This is a book for those who are interested in ancient history. Not the best book I have read but because it's a story about princess who has lived here in a town where we are living right now, it was interesting to read.
A while ago, we watched a movie "In the valley of Elah" with Tommy Lee Jones, Charlize Theron and Susan Saradon. It was good. This book and the movie, they don't have anything in common but both of them made me think about right and wrong.The difference between understanding and accepting. It there just one truth ?
Ylläolevan kirjan sain lainaksi ystävältä. Äkkiseltään ei kuulu must-hankintojen joukkoon mutta omalla tavallaan mielenkiintoista lukea. Samoin katsoimme jokin aika takaperin elokuvan, jossa oli tarina,mikä antoi ajattelemisen aihetta. Jos elokuvan katsoo, kannattaa se katsoa lopputeksteihin saakka.
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