
seven things plus three

I was tagged to tell seven weird or random things about me a long time ago. Awhile ago I was tagged again, to tell something else. Oh boy, don't know why it took that long time to answer both of them but finally some weird, some random and some extras.
1.Our family is very family-orientated family. We do a lot of things together. Someone may think we spend a bit too much time together. But it's our way of living and we are enjoying it in that way.

2. So far I have been living in 4 countries ( Finland, Switzerland, Israel,Lebanon), 10 cities and 19 apartments. To be continue...

3. I hate running. For me the first step is always the most difficult one. Once took that it's fine. I do love the result of running, a better condition. Funny or weird thing is I'm running at least five times a week during the school year.

4. I was born on 13th ...and Friday. I have heard about that a few times.

5. I was interviewed live a local radiostation when I started a new job ( about hundred of years ago). There was also my photo on a local newspaper the next day.I thought that was weird.Other times followed but I never got used to it. Same thing with internet. I try my best to show you who's behind this blog. Maybe one day you see my face straight.

6. I can't stand mess. I wash our floors at least five times a week.I had to because otherwise the floors will cover with dust. Every evening I tidy up the apartment before relaxing. That's not a big deal. But I do let the kids make a huge mess around the house and play in every room. I'm not that bad.

7. I love sunshine and I can stand the heat. I can easily spend a day at the beach. The kids are the same which is luck because being out here means to be out at the beach. No parks.

8. Languages. I'm not a professional speaker or writer in any language. Even my Finnish has suffered while living abroad. At school I studied Finnish, Swedish, English,German and Russian. The three first ones are the languages I'm using most. Still understand German and Russian but need to use a lot more to get back the basic level. I know words in Hebrew and Arabic but very far to be a fluent speaker, being a reader or writer, maybe never. I would love to learn some French and Italian. Most proud I'm of knowing the dialect of Swedish, which is used by Swedish speaking people living in Ostrobothnia, Finland.

9. My favourite snack:
10. Five things on to do list:
  • enjoying
  • relaxing
  • having fun
  • sleeping
  • laughing
I'm not tagging anyone to write. But if you want to take on the challenge , I would love to read about you.


Jennifer said...

This was WONDERFUL! I am so glad you did write all this; it gave me a new appreciation and a better understanding of you, and I love the photos (ALL of them -- how lovely to get even a glimpse!). I am in awe of all your languages and of your cleaning habits, and of the adventures you've undertaken with all of your moves.

mizyéna said...

Kiva kun verhot aukenevat enemmän.

Tuo uima-allas katolla on minusta todella pelottava :)

pikkujutut said...

Jennifer, thanks. Sorry it took that long. :)

Marita, todellisuudessa tuo uima-allas on ihan hyvin suojattu, lukuunottamatta tuota kohtaa.Onneksi lapsetkin hieman pelkäävät, mutta vain hieman..;)
Tässä raotettiinkin nyt sitten verhoja rutkasti :).

Kesiah said...

Vastavierailulla blogissasi. Mielenkiintoisia juttuja kerrot itsestäsi.

Minua alkoi kiehtomaa tuo uima-allas. Pelkään kovasti reunoja, joista on pudostusta alaspäin vaikkei olisi edes korkealla(parvekkeet, sillankaiteet tms.) ja silti ne kiehtovat. Tuo uima-allas on juuri sellainen, joka näyttää salaperäisen pelottavalta ja jonka reunalle en ikinä uskaltaisi mennä.

mizyéna said...

Hyvää matkaa suomeen! Täällä on edelleen tosi kylmä ja viikonlopuksi luvattu vain +10 ja sadetta.

Voiko tuosta uima-altaan reunalta oikeasti pudota ja onko pudotus tosiaan alas asti vai onko joku tasanne alapuolella?

PiaMaria said...

Ihania kuvia blogissasi!