

...with buttons. When I was a child and was visiting my grandparents place, I used to play with buttons. Oh what kind of plays you can have with them.Usually I had the most beautiful button as a mother,biggest one as a father and tiny ones were children. There were more than one family to play with. Or I made some funny faces,animals etc..

My mother has a huge collection of fabrics, buttons, yarns and all the stuff you need while you are sewing, knitting or crocheting. She was so kind and let me search through the stuff and gave me some fabrics and buttons for my crafting projects. Thank you mom!

I just realized that I haven't show you any of my crafting projects( just some pics) so now I have a good excuse to do so - I joined in a fun swap "Pay it Forward". Do you want to play ?

Rules are simple.No stress ( given the time frame!). Here's the "promise":

I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don't know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week... ... but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.

So if you are one of the first three to request to play along , and agree to post the same promise on your blog, then I will make sure a small surprise will show up in your mailbox in the next year.

Vieraillessani isovanhempien luona lapsena,leikin usein napeilla.Järjestelin niitä perheiksi äidin ollessa se kaikkein kaunein nappi,isä isoin ja lapset olivat pienimmät napit.Perheitä syntyi useita ja monenmoisia leikkejä syntyi. Napeilla rakentelin myös hauskoja kasvoja, eläimiä ja olioita.
Äidilläni on huikeat kokoelmat kangasta,nappeja ja lankaa.Kaikkea, mitä tarvitsee ompelemiseen, neulomiseen ja muihin käsitöihin. Ystävällisesti hän antoi minun käydä läpi kokoelmansa ja antoi mukaan vinon pinon kangasta,nappeja ja lankaa.Kiitos äiti!
Mikäli haluat osallistua hauskaan leikkiin, ohjeet löytyvät yläpuolelta (englanniksi).


Anonymous said...

Jag skulle tillägga öppettiderna för åldringsvännernas loppis.
Onsdagar 17-20, fredag 12-16, lördag 10-14
Jag hoppas att du hittar dit även om jag inte har närmare adress, åtminstone kan man fråga på stan de flesta hittar dit....lycka till!

zeliaevora said...

Yes, i want to play:)
How do we start?

Outi Loimaranta said...

I'm ready to play this too!